Have a Sneak Peek at the Upcoming 2015 Spring/Summer Scentsy Products…


Soft morning sun filters through the windows – dawns first light.
Stretch … then settle into your pillows for five minutes more.
Drift in and out of a happy, hazy dream; let one eye open.

Now is the time to breathe and listen and be.
To sigh and whisper.  And finally, to rise.



Watch the sun as it breaks through the horizon, then tiptoe
out of bed for good morning hugs, breakfast table laughter
(or tears) and the start of another happy, hectic day.

It’s the littlest things that make the best memories.



Guess the ending.  Find beauty, even in the imperfections.
Be silly.  Retreat to the beach (even if it’s just a daydream).
Give.  Then borrow back a few moments to recharge and
rediscover what it means to be, simply, you.

Don’t miss a single chance
that comes your way.



There’s magic in a charcoal sky, just before the last mesmeric
rays of light flitter beyond the horizon.  Night has fallen,
but it’s not quite time to turn in.  Share a new story.
Have dessert.

End your day with those everyday pleasures
the best dreams are made of.



Sink back in your favourite chair.  Close your eyes.  Think back
on every smile, every delicious kiss, every moment that
warmed your heart.  Then slip into the darkness and
let your dreams express your deepest wishes.

Explore the night until the dawn of another perfect day.


For more information about Scentsy and Scentsy Products, please visit our website by CLICKING HERE.